A downloadable game for Windows and Linux

This is a very small game that i've made because i was bored, if you have suggestion on what feature i should add to it fell free to make proposition.

I've tested the game only on one machine so it is possible the game will not work on your machine, if that the case, tell me and i will fix it.

epic gameplay footage :

You have tower that generate constantly units, you can attack other towers by draging one tower on antoher one, you win once you capture every non-neutral tower.

The game has only 6 levels, but you can add more if you want by adding .lvl file to the levels folder (theoretically making this game moddable).


TowerGame.zip 422 kB

Install instructions

step 1 : download the archive TowerGame.zip

step 2 : extract the achive

step 3 : double click the file TowerGame.exe

if you are using linux, i think it will work if you lanch directly the Game.jar file but i didn't try.

if you are looking for the source code you can find it on my github : https://github.com/PhysicDev/TowerGame/tree/main/source/tower

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